timeseries 0.2.0

🚀 🚀

  • Added a new function, qstacktseries, a stacked area plot
    • updated documentation, readme and description files accordingly
    • created a vignette for qstacktseries
    • developed tests for qstacktseries
  • Fixed the typo in the name of the qtseries vignette - vignette now has the same name as the function
  • Added build_vignettes = TRUE and ref = "v0.2.0" to the installation command in the package README
  • Moved the gapminder and rlang under suggests from imports (as they are only used in the tests)

Take a look at the qstacktseries vignette to get a sense of how this function could be used.

timeseries 0.1.0

  • Added stop() messages to the qtseries() function to force the time and voi inputs to be numeric

  • Added @ImportFrom dplyr to include pull() function

  • Modified @param group to include character data as well



  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.

The first version of timeseries is now tentatively available 🚀 . The package is quite limited at the moment as it only contains one function, but it is still useful for the purposes of quick data visualization. The main features are:

  • Basic time series plot using ggplot2
  • Data is colored by the group specified in qtseries function
  • Custom theme for minimal but effective plots aesthetics

Take a look at the qtseries vignette to get a sense of how this package could be used.